Pricing your Projects for Profit – Podcast edition!

At last years (2018) WordCamp Dallas/Forth Worth, Kyle Van Deusen and Matt Sebert from The Admin Bar literally grabbed me as I was on my way…

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Pricing your Projects for Profit – WordCamp Atlanta 2018 Panel

At WordCamp Atlanta 2018 earlier this year, I had the opportunity to speak about Pricing. Given my role at WordPress Websites Atlanta, a digital marketing agency,…

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WP Elevation Podcast Episode #182 – Meet our Elevators w/ Bret Phillips

A few months ago the fine folks at WP Elevation asked if I would be a guest on their podcast for the Meet the Elevators series.…

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Online Productivity Tools for 2018

I was recently asked to share about a productivity tool that has made a big impact on me. Calendly was the tool that I chose. Seemingly…

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Auroras Experiments by Yung Matthew – Remix Track

Last year I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to do a remix for Yung Matthews Auroras Experiments album. He release two albums last year…

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Treat everyone you meet like it could be their last day on Earth

March 18th and 19th was two days packed in at Loudermilk Center for this years WordCamp Atlanta. 600 or so people spread across two days and…

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Will I ever be done?

We just started watching a new series on Netflix called Abstract. The first episode followsย Christoph Niemann to get an idea of his process and inspiration. What…

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Be disruptive. Don’t ask permission.

Have you ever heard the sayingย “It’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission”? That’s a mind set and I may even go as far to say…

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Put it out

Last year I spent as much time as I ever have writing, recording, and producing music. I also put out 1 song in the entire year.…

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Work with the kids, you have something they don’t, they have something you don’t.

From the same panel last year came another interesting thought about working together. This one was from Bryan Michael Cox and was specific to the ‘freshman…

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