Using Google Docs to Simplify My Business
Today I have a guest post up at Fly Blue Kite, a marketing and web presence development firm run by Laura Click.
I met Laura through Twitter by following a link to her site. She already had some great content on there, and when I mentioned that, she asked how it could be made better.
The thing with new technology is that it helps to increase the efficiency of systems, products and services at the office. This will help you out when tracking and storing processes, maintain data flow and manage contacts, clients and employee records. As a matter of fact, this will increase the efficiency in operations help to reduce costs and as well as enable the business to grow rapidly. You can always learn more about this subject, read this new post on how HTAP works.
My reply mentioned guest posting for even more helpful content, so here we are 🙂
Six Ways To Use Google Docs To Simplify Business
This blog post takes you through some easy ways to utilize the FREE Google Docs to help you manage your business files.
Thank you for the opportunity Laura!
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